4 docs tagged with "edit" | Adsata
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4 docs tagged with "edit"

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Accuracy Threshold

Accuracy threshold defines the accuracy that participants must achieve when performing their session. The accuracy is calculated at the end of the calibration step. Participants will see a circle getting smaller over 10 seconds at the end of the calibration. The average value from the gaze points collected during this period to the center of the screen, corresponds to the accuracy value. If the accuracy value is below the accuracy threshold, the participant can continue with their session. Otherwise, the participant receives a notification to repeat the calibration under better conditions. This ensures a certain quality of the collected data.

Add a stim

Stims are the building blocks of your eyetracking study. A stim (short for 'stimulation') is the visual your participants get to see when recording an eyetracking session.


A stimulus is any visual element that stimulates eye movements. In Adsata's context, a stimulus can be an image or a webpage.


A study in Adsata defines a webcam eyetracking study. Studies can be created, edited, published, and deleted. Studdies need to be to published before any sessions are collected for them. Users can define the number, type, duration, and order of Stims in a study using the Study Editor. Each study can then have sessions associated with them.